Zelandonis H-An-Ne-Po-Co Lamleh (Annie)

Annie is bred by Berit och Allan Edlund, kennel Zelandonis in Sverige.

HD A (A-A)

DNA tested for:

  • PLL - free
  • PRA 3 - free
  • Rcd4 - free
  • NCL/CCL - carrier
  • DM - free
  • Pituitary Dwarfism - free
Size: 40,5 cm

Annie moved in when she was just over 2 years old and took the role of leader of the dog pack as a matter of course. Sometimes she can "boss" a bit too much, but fights don't happen. She just directs the other bitches. 

Annie is a dog, who talks when she is happy or if there is something she wants, but she is not a barking dog. 

She is a very loving and a very cuddly dog ​​who loves to sit on Lasse's lap and get scratched in all the nice places. She has no problem meeting strange dogs, but she likes her own pack the best, and especially Anton is her absolute favorite. She has been his aunt when he was a puppy, and it is very clear that he is "her Anton". In fact, Anton simply can do no wrong, if you ask Annie. 

Annie is an incredibly beautiful dog, very well-built, has a nice head, large flat feet and moves beautifully. She "flies". Annie really likes to run free in nature and comes right away. 

She has only been shown once and has a young dog certificate. 2024 will be her first real exhibition year. It will be exciting to see if the judges think she is as beautiful as I think she is.

Annie's pedigree is a good mix of American, English, German, Dutch and Danish dogs. 

In her pedigree are more of my good old breeding dogs. So getting the opportunity to buy Annie was a way to bring back home some of my own breeding. Many thanks to Eva Clementson, who made it possible for me. And of course thanks to Berit and Allan Edlund too.

Annie will be mated in November/December 2024. The sire of the litter is almost but not quite decided upon yet, but I am not saying too much if I say he will be a nice guy with a good temperament and an interesting pedigree.