Mithra-shan's Xarisma KaTaYa Lamleh (Xarisma)
Xarisma is bred by Anne Kathrine Berner, Kennel Mithra-shan in Norway.
Hip status: B (B x B)
DNA tested for
- NCL/CCL - free
- PRA 3 - free
- Rcd4 - free
- PLL - free
- DM - carrier
- Pituitary Dwarfism - free
Size: 38 cm
15 months
Xarisma is the little girl of the house.
She is a very loving dog, likes people and dogs a lot and is a lively and quite curious bitch, who always has her nose in whatever we are working with.
She is playful, inventive and has her own little will. Loves to be outside and likes to make up his own games if the other dogs don't want to play.
She is very close to our old bitch Smilla.
Smilla took her in as her own puppy when Xarisma moved in with us at 8 weeks old. Anton and Annie are also really good playmates for Xarisma.
She is a calm dog and very easy to work with. Likes fur care a lot, long walks in nature without a leash, but also thinks it's cool to come into town.
She is incredibly agile and can turn a fiver, likes to jump up rocks and tree trunks and sometimes we think she challenges fate. But that's how the Tibetans are, up high so you get a little extra view.
Xarisma is best friends with all the dogs in our small town. She has tied them around her front paw since she was a little puppy.