Daily care for puppies - and some warnings
I assume you know if your puppy has the vaccinations a puppy should have. If in doubt, contact your breeder or your vetenarian.
A Tibetan Terrier is definitely not a breed you need to take to the vet every other day. On the other hand, you have to be a little observant with a puppy. It can be useful to know your puppy's normal temperature, but it is usually around 37.8–38.5 °C, like 100.04°F - 101.30°F.
Every day you have to do a little quick health check on your puppy. I am definitely not a vet, but with many years of experience, I dare give you some advices as to how you do a daily health check
If the puppy is awake, healthy, has its tail up and is playful, it is probably doing very well. Sometimes they don't eat as much as usual, don't worry. Maybe it is not hungry or is a little tired of its feed. But it must drink as usual.
Are they alert, curious and shiny? Good!
A little black/brown secretion in the corner of the eye is completely normal, just remove it. But the secretion should not be yellow or green. If yellow or green you can try washing with salt water drops. The same kind you would use yourself. Can be bought at the pharmacy. If the puppy's eyes are not healthy within a day or two, you must contact the vet.
Are the whites in the eyes towards the muzzle pulling in a little over the eyes? Or are the wites in the eye more pink/reed than usual? If any of these your puppy is not quite at its best for some reason.
Check it out a bit if things otherwise looks fine and your puppy drinks and plays as usual. If it does, take it easy, but whatch out the following days and call your vet, if it becomes worse.
- If your puppy goes to bed immediately, looks hungover and
doesn't want to drink, you don't need to call the vet right away, but
you can take the temp. It is not possible to judge the temperature by
feeling the dog's nose or paws.
Lubricate the thermometer with Vaseline. Insert the thermometer about 1-1.5 cm into the rectum. The normal temperature is usually between 37.8 and 38.5°C/100 and 101,30°F . If the temperature is more than 39°C/102.20°F, I would personally call the vet if it doesn't get down again within a few hours.
- Are the eys excessive watering, are your puppy squinting or closing of one or both eyes which may mean it's painful, or does yor puppy constantly rubbing the eyes, call your vet.
Turn the ears and look and smell at at the ear canal.
- Do you find any redness, sticky or purulent discharge, any brownish/black crumbly discharge, does the ear smell nasty, is the puppy very warm around the ear canal or has it obviously pain in or around the ear?
In these cases your puppy probably has got an ear infection and you have to contact the vet. No emergency, but get an appoinment at least the next day.
- Is your puppy scratching its ear/s? Check the ears inside and outside for ticks.
If your puppy is scratching and nippling other places around the body, it might be flees. If scratching continues for more days, call your vet for advice.
Tibetan Terrries usually does not have ear problems and you should not rinse with ear cleaner regularly.
Over time, some can get a lot of hair in the ear canals and you can carefully remove some, but in principle you should leave the dog's ears alone.
Check if there is any poo in the coat and rinse it off with lukewarm water
if so.
Bad stomach?
Puppies taste a lot of things and a little bad stomach sometimes happens. Nothing to contact the vet about. Give it some propaste from the pet store or the pharmacy. This stomach usually gets better quickly.
- If a slightly bad stomach develops into diarrhea possibly with blood in it and if it vomits, you may wait a day. Do not feed, but make sure the puppy drinks, give it Propasta and possibly Oralade, which is a tasty fluid replacement and nutritional supplement. If the puppy does not feel better within 24 hours or if it develops high fever, call your vet.
- In general, avoid to give the puppy too many strange things or too many chew bones. It does best on regular dry food and good treats. Not these China treats, for example. Make eventually treats yourself, so you know what's in it. You can find a lot of recipes on the internet.
- If your puppy does not eat much for a period, don't start giving it extra meat, fat and other things in his food. If, you directly change the nutritional content and that is not good. Instead, change the dry food product or feed with 2 or 3 different ones, so that it does not get tired of the feed. You can also buy some wet food and give a tablespoon in the dry food.
It is very easy to make a puppy picky, it takes longer to get it to eat normally again.
Does the puppy support the same amount on all four legs? Does it jump asually? Then everything is great.
- Is the puppy limping a little? Check the paws for thorns, try to remember if it could have been stung by a wasp or a bee. If the puppy is only slightly limping, try to rest it for 24 hours.
- If your puppy is swelling, shows severe pain or have a wound call your vet.
- If you puppy is constantly biting or licking its paws, it might have a fungal infection. Call you vet.
Check the puppy have not got too long nails. Trim regularly once a week. Like with brushing and combing - take it easy and introduce your puppy slowly to nailcare. Check eventually this link.
The teething process in Tibetan Terriers starts around 4 months of age. When the permanent tooth begins to push out the milk tooth, the body absorbs the root of the milk tooth and the tooth eventually falls out. Usually the puppy swallows the milk tooth. So don't be nervous if you notice your puppy has lost a tooth and you can't find it.
It is fairly normal for the adult canine to start growing before the milk canine have fallen out. Wait a little, give the puppy something to chew on. Bull muscles are good for this and you can even make some careful pullinggames with your puppy. I do not myself find it necessary to contact the vet until the new canine is slightly longer than the milk one, and then I still gives it another week.
The moment I more seriously consider to call the vet the milk canine has all of a sudden gone. Pure magic :-)
Some Tibetan Terriers grow tartar others do not before old age. One cannot tell in advance to what group your dog belongs , but it is allways a good idea to start brushing you puppies teeth at a young age. You will find lot of videos on youtube to show you how to do.
For the little puppy, I use Nexgard, which has an effect for 4 weeks. For puppies and dogs over 6 months I use Bravecto. I know, some find Nexgard and Bravecto are not good products. Can only say that it has worked very well on all of my dogs.
In any case, do not use a flea collar. I have seen puppies having hung themselves by their collars and I have seen puppies that were poisoned by flea collars.
It is also possible to buy so-called spot on products against ticks and fleas. With these I have seen redness in the skin where the spot on was placed and I don't like that. So no, I prefer Nexgard and Bravecto.
Check the poop
Check the puppy's poop now and then. Your puppy is dewormed at the breeder, but sometimes it can still get worms. Worms are often, but not always visible in the poo. Signs of worms can be if your puppy loose weight or becomes very skinny.
If you see worm in the poo, you can buy a deworming treatment at the pharmacy, but do not deworm your puppy over and over.
If your dog is coughing a lot and possibly has a clear nasal discharge, he may also have worms. Call the vet if in doubt.
Avoid the puppy sniffing other dogs poo, eating poo from wild animals, eating cat poo or eating snails.Tibetan Terriers uses as an average to go into their first season at 7-8 months, but you find quite big differences within the breed.
Some go in their first season at 6 months, others at 12 months and I have even had a bitch with her first season at 16 months. Ask your breeder when her mother came in season for the first time. Her daughter might very well follow the same pattern.
Especially during the first season, your puppy may become a little tired and wants to be close to you, but usually it stabiles a week or two after her season has finished.
Around 9 weeks after the season, however, some bitches can start digging in the garden, start carrying a toy around and maybe even guard it, she might become restless, maybe beep a little now and then, get swollen mammary glands and even start milkproduction. This is symptoms of false pregnancy.
False pregnancy symptoms will last for a few weeks but often returns after the next season.
Not all bitches suffors from false pregnancy, but if it becomes difficult for her, it is good to try to alleviate the symptoms. Give her some extra walks. Go for instance two walks right after each other. Take away the toy, which she has made for her puppy. Keep her busy so she thinks of something else. If it becomes a recurring problem, talk to your breeder and your vet. If the bitch suffers from milk production - not all do - medicine can be given to inhibit milk production, but the medicine often has side effects.
If considering to spay your Tibetan Terrier you should be aware of a few things. A spayed Tibetan Terrier will easily gain too much weight, the coat will become more soft and it will in general grow more coat. Change of behaviour are also quite normal and thyroid problems might occur with the age of 6-7 years.
If you are not sure whether the puppy is sick or not, it might be a good idea to check the internet before you call the vet. A number of sites have pretty good information. But if seriously in doubt, it is better to call once too much than once too little.
Home pharmacy
It's good to have a few things at home.
In my own home pharmacy for the dogs, you will find
- Towels that only the dogs use
- Disposable gloves
- Dog shampoo
- Rectal thermometer
- Coke salt solution to rinse wounds and eyes.
- Chlorhexidine solution - for disinfection of wounds
- Sterile compresses and gas binders. Available in standard first aid boxes.
- Elastic self-adhesive bandage, good on the outside of wounds or as a pressure bandage in case of acute bleeding
- Scissors with a round tip (paw sax) to cut, for example, fur around a wound
- Propaste for dogs - help to restore the intestinal flora in case of a bad stomach
- Oralade - tasty nutritional supplement.
- Soft cone collar to prevent the dog from licking or scratching wounds, other sensitive areas or biting bandages.
Some warnings
On the walk
Don't let your puppy pick up different things on the walk!! And absolutely not eat any snuff bags or meat.
Don't let it drink water from puddles and waterholes
Insect and snake bites
Insect bites from e.g. bees and wasps hurt but are usually not dangerous unless the puppy eats it and gets stung in the mouth.
Snake bites is dangerous and every year dogs die from snake bites. If you see the puppy being bitten, immediately pick it up and drive direct to the vet. Make sure the dog is as calm as possible.
At home
Look around your home with puppy eyes - what could be intersting to bite in if I'm bored.
Check also this link
And some warnings that you may not have considered...
Don't let he puppy go with a collar when left alone. Every year, dogs die because they somehow hung up on their collars.
Beware of poisonous plants (many houseplants are poisonous but can be interesting for the puppy if he is bored. Outdoors it doesn't happen very often, but still. Check on the internet if your plants are poisonous to dogs. toxic than these.
Fabric softener, coolant and sweeteners and food containing xylitol are horribly toxic to dogs.
Batteries - also the kind that are in hearing aids (just ask my husband if puppies like hearing aids)